Poison Ivy Custom Variant and Vehicle

From Kenner's 1997 Batman and Robin line, we saw two variants of Poison Ivy, neither of which sought to emulate her appearance in the film and neither of which were particularly flattering. As I needed a Poison Ivy in my collection, I picked the least offensive of the two from online photographs and ordered. At this time I was getting into making capes and had some left over material, so I fashioned a triangular, asymmetrical skirt of the same cloth as I made the capes for Green Arrow and Ras Al Ghul. She still has the green leggings under, so this leafy addition adds some sex appeal without removing any covering. However, her top choked right up on her neck in Victorian fashion, and this was certainly a product of manufacturing thrift rather than fashion sense, so with a little flesh tone acrylic, I next gave her a more suitable V shaped neckline that doesn't look so stifling. A green netted fabric reminiscent of vines and trellises finishes the look with a designer flair, that gives her an additional edge of menace. Lastly, a darker and more luscious shade of lipstick brings her womanhood to bloom. The vehicle she rides, given birth in the same garden bed of toxic chemicals and botanical enigmas that she rose from, the Seed-Pod Chariot. Vines with animalistic quickness sprout from various angles, allowing the Pod to walk upon land like an octopus. As it walks, it also sows its own seeds into the ground with each vine that makes contact with the soil, so that in due time, they may emerge as man eating plants. Part of Ivy's grand revenge for the wanton mistreatment of flora, they are the seeds of death to all animal life.


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